Tuesday 12 December 2006

Media and culture in the Ticino

1. Tv (TSI 1 and 2) and Radio (RSI 1,2,3) in the Ticino view themselves as the main cultural cornerstones here in Ticino.

2. Focusing on culture as well as the regional specifications of a multiethnical Swiss society, are the two priorities the program pursues since its creation. These two priorities are based on a mandate contained in two articles of the Swiss federal law on creation of radio and tv (RTVG). These two articles, article 3 and 46, are directed on the SRG-SSR. Article 3 implies and emphasizes the goal to promote the work on Swiss cultural affairs, thus inspiring viewers and spectators to participate in cultural affairs. Article 26 says that the SRG-SSR in its entity of programs has to take into consideration the specific circumstances of the nation as well as the requirements of the cantons, obliging it to a well balanced creation of the content of its programs.

3. Besides its main clientel in the Ticino TSI1 and 2 have two main clientels they focus on: the people coming from the Ticino but living in other areas of Switzerland, and the high number of north Italian viewers, appreciating a Swiss-Italian program, not giving way to an increasing higher mix of info-entertainment soap dominating their and many other European programs.

4. "Switzerland is on one hand a nation by will of its people but - on the other hand - no Tv-nation", as once stated by the Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ). "The mutual conscience of alienation is here independently seen from the language barriers, based on a different perception of TV-entertainment, leading to a manifestation of diversity of different cultures and mentalities.
In spite of this or especially because of that: integration is and remains a difficult task for society, and realizing especially this is the daily assignment for the SRG-SSR."

by Oliver Meissner


Tiziana said...

Whenever I'm in ticino I usually listen to Rete 3 (106.0), they're so funny, specially in the morning and on sunday evening! Many "happiness-pills" Tiziana

Bloggo said...

become a social media, put some web 2.0 instruments...